Meet Ad-Sys

Meet Ad-Sys

Where Performance Advertising Thrives!

Get the highest ROI possible from all your media acquisitions with the Ad-Sys platform.

Be Creative

Be Creative

Design Ads

With Ad-Sys text ads will be ready in no time! A campaign title, description, and image upload do it all. You can spice it up even more, and find HTML/CSS style that fits best, or benefit from geo macros. Rotate multiple ads under the same banner placement. 


Geo Macros

Increase CTR! Make your ads location-specific by incorporating tokens into your campaigns.

Ad-Sys HTML/Flash

HTML and Flash ads are valuable for performance advertisers! We made sure Ad-Sys AdServer recognizes HTML and Flash ads. Take advantage of Click tags to hyperlink your ads. 

Manage Ad Groups 

Manage your ad groups and test them within a single ad placement. Decide regarding the frequency of your ad group appearance and make it location-specific (country, region or city). Find out which ad groups are more effective with our extensive reports and statistics. 

Performance is Valuable

Performance is Valuable

See Your Results Live!

Get the full picture of your ad's performance in no time! Exclusive reports instantly bring you the required statistics: impressions, clicks and conversions (sales) for the necessary time period. You can easily download your data with Excel or any other similar program. 


Buy Ads

Purchase a single ad placement, use it to serve several ads. Each ad within the unit can be clicked, tracked and reported on separately. Manage each particular ad's composition and weight to ensure the most effective place and frequency of appearance.


Media Distribution System

Our media distribution system is the perfect, trustworthy home for your creatives! Its the solution you need to ensure swift work of your ads -  anywhere!


Monitor Your Earnings Effortlessly

Tracking pixels come in handy when you need to evaluate conversion rates or any other data. Keep your finger on the pulse once the transaction is done with instant revenue data provided. 


Campaign Boost & Reporting

Campaign Boost & Reporting

Stats by the Hour

 Hourly stats help you track changes in daily campaign operation, letting you to daypart your ads accordingly


Revenue-Share Profits

Conversion page tracking pixel is a great tool when it comes to computing earnings on proposals from revenue-shares.


Monitor Unique Clicks

Ad-Sys has the capacity to help you sort out unique clicks on your ads from those coming from a re-entering audience. You can turn this option on or off. 


Up for Business

Up for Business

Ad-Sys Publisher Access

You decrease your workflow when your publishers get restricted access to Ad-Sys. This kind of access permits them to enter the system, analyze and correlate CTR and ad views with information of their own on the topics, and bring new or remove unsuitable ads. 


Tailored User Accounts for Business Partners

Customizable accounts are useful when your enterprise has a large number of partners. Tailor each of your partners' accounts and be in charge of all that's seen and done by them once they are in the system. This includes their ad-refining power, stats or particular affiliate accounts/portfolios visibility and much more. 


Transferring Data Figures

Ad-Sys makes it easy to route all your data as accessible CSV files to Excel or a similar program.